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Nuclear Power Trio - A Clear and Present Rager (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Trending story found on www.youtube.com

Order at: https://www.metalblade.com/nuclearpowertrio The title track from Nuclear Power Trio's "A Clear and Present Rager". Follow Nuclear Power Trio: https://www.facebook.com/nuclearpowertrio/ https://www.instagram.com/nuclearpowertrio/ https://twitter.com/NuclearPowrTrio https://www.youtube.com/nuclearpowertrio Shot by Randy Edwards and Cara Noelani Edited by Nuclear Power Trio & Kyle Lamar @ Digital Myle Produced and Directed by Nuclear Power Trio & Prestige World-Wide HyperFlesh Products: Landon Meier Hair: Alicia Kuiken Actors: Charles Schendzielos, Dave Otero, Landon Meier, Alicia Kuiken, Brian Hopp, Wes Morales, Brendan Burke, Zachary Jefferson, Brandi Wright, Blair Reynolds, Walter White, Alex Mackison, Monica Berggren, Jenna Stone, Nick Hennig, Hanna Rogers, T-800 Osama, Mikey Reeves, the Newborn, Jeremy Portz, Taylor...
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